Meet Pluggi 

Your Personal AI Budtender & Dispensary Chatbot.
Pluggi boosts dispensary revenue by providing shoppers with personalized cannabis recommendations and AI driven customer support in seconds.


Generate Relevant Recommendations in Seconds

Pluggi integrates directly with your eCommerce menu to generate product recommendations with just a few simple questions. This leads to

- 28% Increase in Average Order Value

- 15% Decrease in Cart Abandonment

- 16x Average ROI


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NewLeaf GPT

AI-Driven Customer Support

Pluggi leverages ChatGPT agents trained specifically on dispensary website, menu data, and FAQ's to answer questions regarding deals and promotions, store hours, accepted payment types and more!


Custom widgets for each individual dispensary

We believe each dispensary is unique in its own way, so we make everything completely customizable to fit your dispensaries experience and menu.

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30 Days Totally Free, Then


Simple, Scalable, Affordable Pricing.

Start with 30 Days Free, then just $250/dispensary/month. Discounts at Scale.

Get started and launch Your Personal AI Budtender in 3 business days to start increase online dispensary sales and reduce cart abandonment!

Leave your email below and we will reach out with more info.